
Cut The Crap

End Sewage Pollution

After a spate of recent media coverage following releases of sewage into our water ways and oceans it is clear that the UK’s sewerage system is unfit for purpose and cannot cope with the pressures of increasing population, urbanisation and changing weather patterns – water company infrastructure investments have failed to protect the environment and recreational water users. Instead, they rely upon 17,684 licensed sewer overflows to routinely discharge raw sewage into rivers and the ocean.

Financial penalties are too easily built into the operating costs of water companies and don’t reflect the true environmental damage caused by the systematic discharging of untreated sewage. Additionally, weak enforcement of existing regulation from both underfunded and under resourced environment agencies means no effective driver is in place to ensure water companies change their behaviour.

The UK’s water quality testing regime, designed to protect water users and the environment, is set up to fail us. Evidence shows our water quality testing regime overlooks and ignores the worst pollution events in the country and misleads the public about the safety of the water.

Diffuse pollution from agriculture, roads, landfill and poor waste management exacerbates the problem with rivers and the ocean becoming contaminated with agricultural slurry, microplastics, car tyres and landfill sources.

We are calling for an end to sewage pollution to guarantee safe seas, all year round. To ensure the health and wellbeing of the public, and help save the ocean,

We believe that we can make a difference – Neptune Rum is a brand with a responsibility to protect the waters and shores from modern-day harm and pollution. We want to preserve the waters’ natural beauty and celebrate the adventure and joy they bring us.

Neptune Rum support environmental charities, including Surfers Against Sewage and initiatives that meet our mission; to protect the ocean and waterways from pollution.

Every pour, mix, and stir of Neptune Rum helps support ocean clean-up projects and incentives. Now that’s responsible drinking.

Information source: Surfers Against Sewage https://www.sas.org.uk/water-quality/


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